by dennisgolf | Mar 21, 2018 | Uncategorized
Okay, maybe I’m biased, but golf is definitely the best sport there is. I’m not just saying that for fun, I have actual reasons to back up my point. Here are three reasons to start playing golf because we all know golf trumps all. Golf Promotes Freedom ...
by Lauren DiCenso | Feb 14, 2018 | Instruction
Ah, the dreaded downhill lies. It’s one of the toughest golf shots to setup for, let alone hit. The imbalance can make for embarrassing chunks and skulls. Have no fear! Here are three steps to help you overcome tough downhill lies: 1. Widen Your Stance...
by dennisgolf | Jun 20, 2017 | Opinions
Four Reasons To work at a country club When you’re in college, your main priority is money for…expenses, grades and golfing with some friends. I stumbled upon two of those things a year ago when I started working at a country club. Working at a golf course in college...
by dennisgolf | Jun 13, 2017 | Instruction
learn a little bit about bounce Next time you go to buy a wedge, make sure you are looking at more than just one of the numbers. On all clubs, you probably see the big numbers that tell you the degree of the club. But what some people often overlook is the smaller...