Perks of Working at a Golf Course

Perks of Working at a Golf Course

Four Reasons To work at a country club When you’re in college, your main priority is money for…expenses, grades and golfing with some friends. I stumbled upon two of those things a year ago when I started working at a country club. Working at a golf course in college...
Tiger Woods Plans For A Comeback

Tiger Woods Plans For A Comeback

Image Posted By Golf Hard Tiger Woods plans for a quick comeback, and is setting an early 2016 goal to be back in the game after his microdiscectomy surgery he will be having on his back. Hank Haney who was Tiger’s personal trainer during the 2008 season after...
Pace Is Key When It Comes To Your Golf Swing

Pace Is Key When It Comes To Your Golf Swing

It’s all about tempo and rhythm When you are a high handicapper, hitting the ball far and high is something you dream about. You watch hours of YouTube videos, Facebook videos and golf magazine tutorials. No matter what you do with your takeaway, wrist angle and...